It is time to join together. We are standing up for our right to speak for ourselves and take responsiblity in our workplace. As dedicated nurses, we show strength and compassion as we advocate for our patients every day. Why do we allow the NNU to take credit for what we do as nurses on a daily basis? It is time for us to use OUR VOICE and exercise OUR CHOICE to navigate our future representation in the workplace. We are our own best advocates. We can represent ourselves. We do NOT need union MISrepresentation to dictate our paths in the workplace. Join us by signing this petition to remove the union from Research Medical Center.
Why is it so important to sign the petition for a re-vote on having the union present or NOT present at RMC? Who keeps hearing about Prop A? It’s super confusing with all the politics involved. Here is what I have researched and found out: “The right to work” is included in Prop A. This will be put on a ballot in August for people in Missouri to vote against, or in favor. What does this mean for the nurses at Research Medical Center? If the majority of voters do not vote in favor of Prop A, then we could still be required to pay dues as a condition of employment at the hospital and because of the union. That’s why the petition for a re-vote at RMC is so important at THIS time. We want a re-vote to hear our voice and our choice. If the hospital and the union come to an agreement and a new contract is made, it doesn’t matter what the vote is on Prop A; the nurses at RMC will be bound to this new contract and still required to pay dues. These contracts are in place for 3 years.